Welcome Back to Business As Unusual: Practicing Tomorrow’s Veterinary Medicine Today
It’s been said that the only person who likes change is a four-month-old baby with a wet diaper. While true for many, the most successful veterinary healthcare professionals look at change as a way to “repot their practice,” so to speak: to cut away dead growth (can be lethargic, uncommitted employees), replenish the soil (new programs and protocols), and facilitate new growth and the bearing of fruit (lower turnover, new bonded clients, more frequent visits, higher profits).
COVID has forced change in veterinary practice more dramatically and faster than anything in our memories or experience. Telemedicine seemed so far off and now most of us are using it in some capacity. Some of us dreamed of just seeing pets without their people, and those dreams have come true! All joking aside, we can now see how pets respond when mom and dad aren’t in the building with them. We’re discovering new efficiencies we never thought possible. In this webinar you’ll learn how to be forward thinking, creative, adaptive, compassionate, efficient, and healthy (physically and emotionally) while delivering the kind of veterinary care that will have pet parents coming in more often and referring others to taste for themselves. Welcome to “business as unusual” or “returning to business as abnormal” as we embrace the change thrust upon us and harness it for growth.
Brought to you by Virox Animal Health.