Posts In: Educational Library

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Beyond the Comfort Zone

February 22, 2017 Educational Library, Uncategorized

Change is difficult for people and for animals, especially when such change pushes the boundary lines beyond the individual’s comfort…Read More

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Put the Treat into Treatment: Hassle-Free Ways of Giving Pills

February 21, 2017 Educational Library

Let’s face it, it’s a pill trying to get a pill into a dog or cat that’s sensitive about the…Read More

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Furniture Scratching by Cats

February 20, 2017 Behavior, Educational Library

Scratching is a normal and innate behavior of the domestic house cat. Approximately 60 percent of house cats will scratch…Read More

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Fear Free Tips on Nail Trims

“I don’t know why he hates nail trims—I’ve handled his feet since he was a puppy.”Read More

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Low-Stress Jugular Blood Draw Video

In an effort to encourage owners to take part in the training of their dogs for vet visits this is…Read More

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First Contact: 3 Fear Free Strategies for Initiating Cat Visits (Video)

February 18, 2017 Behavior, Educational Library

Introductions aren't always easy, especially when it comes to cats getting comfortable at the vet. However, there are tactics to…Read More

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Happy Cat: Tips for Owners

February 17, 2017 Educational Library, Enrichment

To maintain good mental health, indoor cats need stimulation and recreational opportunities. Environmental enrichment can be accomplished by providing your…Read More

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Amazing Fear Free Remodel For $1000 Or Less

Five years ago, not a single veterinary architect had designed a feature intended to look after the emotional wellbeing of…Read More

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Putting the “Treat” Into “Treatment”: Inside the Fear Free Treat Ladder (Podcast)

February 10, 2017 Educational Library, Uncategorized

When many people think of a happy dog or a blissful cat, often images of a treat-spoiled dog or cat…Read More

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The Assessment of Dog Welfare in the Waiting Room of a Veterinary Clinic

Dogs in the waiting room of a veterinary clinic often display signs of stress, yet that stress may not be…Read More

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The Most Important Question We Aren’t Asking

If we asked a client, “what are you doing for environmental enrichment?” the likely response would be, “what?"Read More

Happy Paws Magazine

Spring/Summer 2020 Issue Available Now!