Posts In: Educational Library

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Canine Vaccine and Venipuncture with Client

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Feline Vaccination While Coaching the Owner

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Administering Sub-Q Fluids: Small Canine

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Administering Sub-Q Fluids: Large Canine

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Canine Temperature Taking

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Words Count: The Language of Fear Free

Changing our language so that it describes and advocates for the emotional health of the patient can keep us safer.Read More

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Hematuria, FIC, and Stressed Cats: Recognizing Clues Early Leads to Happier, Healthier Patients

Educating clients about risk factors for FIC, subtle early signs, and the option for early detection of hematuria can empower…Read More

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5 Steps to Heartworm Disease Awareness

April 26, 2023 Blog, Educational Library

Rates of heartworm disease continue to trend upward in both recognized “hot spots” and in locations where heartworm disease was…Read More

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4 Ways to Talk to Clients About Vaccines

March 20, 2023 Blog, Procedures

To prevent anxiety, reduce stress, and keep visits Fear Free for patients and clients, you can offer combination vaccines that…Read More

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Fear Free & Virox – Helping Our Feline Friends Feel Fear Free in a Shelter Environment

March 17, 2023 Educational Library

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Can Trapping Cats Be Fear Free? Find Out Here

March 6, 2023 Blog, Enrichment

No trapping happens without a plan and preparation for each step of the process, so the cat is treated humanely…Read More

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The Importance of Partnering: Fear Free Certified Trainers and Certified Practices

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Happy Paws Magazine

Spring/Summer 2020 Issue Available Now!