Posts In: Wellbeing

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Fear Free Grooming Strengthens Relationships with Pets and People

May 26, 2023 Blog, Groomers, Wellbeing

Training birds for transportation is an important first step in making a veterinary visit Fear Free.Read More

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The Positive Effects of Fear Free on Practice Operations

August 19, 2021 Uncategorized, Wellbeing

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Caring for Caregivers: The Three Areas Crucial to Mental Wellbeing

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Milo and the lick mat

Scheduling With and Visiting the Fear Free Dermatology Practice: Meet Toby

Dogs with allergic itch may have increased stress. Most cases will be lifelong, requiring repeated clinic visits. Encourage your clients…Read More

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Healthy Practice, Healthy People

While your favorite groomer is temporarily closed, you may need to do some basic grooming on your dog yourself. This…Read More

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Our Collective Vulnerability

While your favorite groomer is temporarily closed, you may need to do some basic grooming on your dog yourself. This…Read More

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Practicing Self-Compassion During the Pandemic

Self-compassion involves being as kind to yourself as you are to others in need. In the midst of this pandemic,…Read More

Happy Paws Magazine

Spring/Summer 2020 Issue Available Now!